Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011

And in the backseat, we're just trying to find some room to breathe.

Ein Schätzchen aus Mamas und Papas Fotoalbum von Februar '76. (Nein, das Foto ist nicht von mir – da war ich wohl noch nicht in Planung.) Passend zum Zitat dazu das hier hören!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Yeah! That was our 65 Cadillac, bought for 500 $ and sold one year later for 500 $, too! What a great time! Gas costs in 1975 about 60 Cents a gallon (60 C/3,8 l = ca. 1 Euro/3,8 l!). We had our own roadmovies in Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona.
    And we were so young!
    Mom and Dad
